New version of Mipony, we have added new sites and updated others.
Download the new version here.
List of changes:
-Updated mediafire.
-Added download support for
-Added download support for
-Added download support for
-Added download support for
-Added premium support for
-Added support for free and premium accounts.
-Updated Khmer Language Translation (thanks to londi lay).
Thanks so much!
gracias simplemente gracias totales
Muchas gracias. El mejor gestor lejos.
The easybytez DON’T work at all as premium account.
What? Mediafire doesn’t work at all? Still, it just says “Download error” for every link.
Okay, did you guys actually do anything for this release? Zippyshare doesn’t work at all either. “Download error” for every link.
The easybytez DON’T work at all as premium account.
Thanks a lot. You rocks.
Maravilloso MEDIAFIRE works esta funcionando al fin. Muchas Gracias. Thanks a lot!
yeah, mine is the same mediafire still returns download error but i see the size is now showing instead of 0kb.
btw, jumbofiles is working now! Thanks a lot!
Tried several times to update to newer version but keep getting “error” message and will not complete installation. What’s with the newer version update? Please fix. Thanks.
forget my post at 14:38
mediafire is now working!
jumbofiles fix error , thanks
now not support simultaneous downloads to jumbofiles , fix this error
mipony isin’t updating itself !!
mediafire still not working
Jumbofiles working again. Thank you.
Please add download support for
mediafire is working. good stuff bro
do you know that there is a lot of mediafire uploader account is suspended?
so, please to make sure mediafire link is valid by using checking using your browser first…
because thats whats happen to me few days ago
not working with easybytez premium account. please update.
Antivirus of Dr.Web ( sees a virus in the program Mipony :
C:\users\——\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\lnijgag3\ajs[1].js
SCRIPT.Virus (Suspicious)
Mediafire still not working 🙁
Please fix this.
programma ok
non corretto che babylon toolbar non si puo’ eliminare, si intastalla.
lasciando un caos nel pc, solo il punto di ripristino funziona, forse.
virus trovati
assurto fottersi la reputazione cosi’
attenzione per le versioni successive
excelso, magnifico, gracias.
that’s a false alarm
mediafire is working for EVERYONE i’ve been downloading for 2 days
check the links in your browser if they’re online.
How do you set up rarefile’s premium settings? It isn’t listed.
Sue H.
Can you set up Ryushare’s premium setting? It is not in the list. THANK YOU!
Nope. Nothing has changed. If there was a db update, the blog would’ve said. Program version is still 1.6.4, which didn’t fix MF or ZS. Mipony is now completely useless to me. Man, I miss Rdesc…
uptobox est supporté mais il n’ai pas dans les compte premiun, pouvez vous le rajouter merci
Everyhting is working fine! Mipony is the best! Can you add unibytes to the premium settings list please?
I don’t have any problem with mediafire. Either the link u added is dead or your network problem.
@Judge: you’re right, i didn’t update minopy to 1.6.4…and now MF working fine.
Thanks Minopy.
Let us know if you want us to donate or something.
will it be possible to add support for premium account still not fix
it would be highly appreciated if fix. million thanks!!!
Please add !!
please add download support for, thanks
I really hate that audio ad that says “Congratulations You Won”. My opinion probably doesn’t count for much, but I say that ads are fine but audio ads are not fine.
Rapidshare do not work.
I’ve a filefactory premium account and yet captcha keeps popping up……what’s going on?? And when I finally get it to work, the download speed is pathetic….around 20 – 30kb/sec. Please fix. Thanks.
Thanks for the fine work on Mipony.
Oron does not resume downloads. Is this a limitation of Oron or Mipony?
Seems to be a problem on premium downloads. Checked the options all set right (unlimited download speed. After about 10 Mins the download speed drops to 0. Please Fix it.Thanks
download error from
jumbofiles fix error , thanks
now not support simultaneous downloads to jumbo and other files some times downloads getting very slow
im not able to download muliple files in a same time, please correct it, some times its getting very slow
Turbobit problem.
After confirmation has to wait one minute for not giving error.
Please fix it. Very thanks.
Thanks by develop this great software man. Please add this site to supported list:
is there a auto retry every X minutes for “download error” files?
easybytez DON’T WORK and did you gonna add alldebrid host?
You Should Not Include Fileserve & Filesonic In Your Database Those Sites Are Now Sensered added pls……
I am feel curious why mipony don’t have auto shutdown for “after finish all download”? Many simple download manage also build-in this option from begin.
jumbofiles muiiito lento
baixando 10kbps tenhonet de 2 megas
tem como melhorar isto??
desde já agradeço wlw!!
mediafire is not working
uploading is not working
asfile is not working
while filefactory and megashares
are unable to complete downloading
thanks in advance
please update to support from migahost
A lot of thanks,realy very much good your program.Again thenk you so much.I hope your works are easy comes to you.I wish you good lucks….
glumbouploads download error, but i can DL it manually
PLEASE, add support for ”hipfile”. This server is very very good.
Please can you add the server for registered or premium users?
Error on
sometimes it works.
Sometimes it will be always error on file no matter how many time I enter captcha. And yes, the links works, I tried DLing it with my browser and it worked. It just keep on getting error on miphony.
so pls fix it.
window xp.
I’ve been using Mipony for years but I’ve migrated to Linux, now the only reason I use Windows is for Mipony I hate JD, and the other two or three download managers support just about 5 or 6 servers, PLEASE RELEASE A LINUX VERSION!!!
Since V 1.6.4 was made available I’ve tried to update to that version every other day but am not able to. The message “Error opening file for writing” keeps popping up and then I had to abort the installation. Am I the only one having this problem and what is the solution to the problem? Thanks.
WARNING! PLEASE add the server to FrogUP Mipony. As most know, the Russians did not deletam sites your files, and this is a Russian site, so files with long duration. Please add support FrogUP. For those who want to check:
What the heck??? All of a sudden this morning till now it shows that I’m not a premium user of Rapidshare (of which I’ve been for the last 2 years) and therefore the download speed has been pathetic at 20kb/sec – 60kb/sec. Please fix whatever the problem is!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks.
On startup, Mipony automatically loads bad pages in the browse and download tab. One page opened many IE windows and tabs. Another page played audio. Please disable the browse and download tab.
what happened to mipony? it fails to download at full speed. the speed is limited to 10 KB per sec!!!!!!!!!
Now that Rapidgator has returned, I can’t seem to download from it with Mipony. Mipony will count down from 30, then say “connecting” for about a minute or so, then it will say “download error”, but the status at the botton won’t say what the error is. Can this be fixed? Thanks so much for all your hard work.
what happened to mipony?? i can’t download anything even if it is mediafire or jumbofiles. please fix this!!
please add
please add premiun suport to jumbofiles
Mipony doesn’t work with “” links. My settings are to do 2 simultaneous downloads but it will only connect and start downloading the first link and the second link is on “waiting” which is forever.
I’ve got premium accounts to RS and I didn’t think that that should be happening. Also the download speed for the first link is really bad; between 20kb/sec – 40kb/sec.
I tried it with another file host Filefactory of which I also have premium account and it was doing the same thing.
Mipony, please fix this problem. Thanks.
Please Fix Ryushare & uploading doesn’t work.
glumbouploads error.
hi could you add bayfiles in your premium account option? 🙂
could you please add to detect and download videos? THANKS
I’ve been using Mipony with a premium rapidshare account for almost a month now with no problems, and as of monday my downloads are taking days in stead of a hour or two. Can you please help me figure this out?
I have tried rebooting my computer system, tested my download speeds, tried other programs which worked fine. I also took off my premium account and a single link will download in 1-2 hours but then that just wastes my premium account. I already checked and am running the most current version of Mipony. Any other options or things to try would be greatly appreciated.
A. L.
mipony peut il lire les capcha? si oui pouvez vous m expliquer comment faire
ps:je trouve Mipony vraiment sympa also doesn’t work. I enter the captcha and then instead of starting the download, the download goes into the waiting state for 10 minutes
plz add plz, and update the i-filez captcha now the plz
glumbouploads still error
Hallo.. I instal Mipony 1.6.4 it works good but after one day it stoped detect links….whats wrong…mayby somobody know
If i insert a ncrypt container, mypony don’t decrypt
Can you add a ???
Any ETA on a real-debrid plugin?
In the next update, could you please add
Thanks so much for creating this program. (Sorry if my english is not perfect, I’m italian)
this is weird.
last night glumboupload was working fine.
but today i got “download error”
Where is “auto shutdown” option?
Sorry! I’ve meant
Can someone please do something about this error message:
Premium authentication failure with Mediafire.
I Have a premium acct with MF, I entered the details in mipony, and yet I still have to enter tons of captcha codes.
download error from 4shared 🙁
Depositfiles premium is no longer working
Has anyone else noticed an extortionware popup after a couple of hours of using the latest version of mipony? It’s directly linked with mipony – you have to use task manager to shut down mipony and then the popup disappears. Otherwise, there is no way to get to the mipony interface without clicking on the fake error screen of the malware.It’s the old “Windows antivirus 2012 has detected critical errors and will now fix them” fake error screen. DONT click on it – it will execute malware. Use task manager to shut down mipony. Mipony-please get rid of the browser! It’s a gateway to this type of problem.
Ulozto and uploadedto doesn’t work properly.
hay mipony can not detect links from jumbofiles and any more
please fix it
Can you please add to the list of sites to download from? Thank you.
there now seems to be a problem with Depositfiles. MiPony says that a file is unavailable, when the file is available. to get it to download, you now have to first change the file name to something in the add files screen, then tell MiPony to download the file even though it says it isn’t available. I’m sure you guys are already working on an update. Just pointing out something else that now isn’t working properly. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Deposit file not working but cannot download via web
Jumbofile not working properly.
O Mipony ta com problema de detectar os links ativos do Jumbofiles, os links que estão ativos do jumbofiles o Mipony diz que esta off.
Please fix the jumbo files and ifileit errors ASAP
Could you please add support for
download error from filepost.. any idea?
download error from filepost!
and now download error for depositfile too.. checked the file via the websites and its still active..
1. Filepost – Able to detect file but download error
2. Depositfile – Unable to detect file although file is still active, with download error too..
Please fix the problem…
j’aimerais savoir pourquoi qu’il y a autant de lien mort sur libertyland et que sharflard ne fonctionne plus comme avant merci de votre reponse baye
It would be very nice to have a linux version of MiPony 😉