We released a Web Sites Database updated for Mipony.
Mipony will update itself when it starts, you have to do nothing.
List of changes:
-Added mega.co.nz folders support.
-Updated rapidgator.net
-Added download support for filecloud.io
-Added download support for egofiles.com
-Added download support for nowvideo.eu
-Updated letitbit.net
-Updated bayfiles.net
-Updated dl.free.fr
-Added download support for disk.yandex.net
-Updated extabit.com
-Updated nosupload.com
-Added download support for filezy.net
-Added download support for cloudnes.com
-Added download support for played.to
-Updated clipshouse.com
-Updated filebox.com
-Updated tusfiles.com
-Updated uploaded.to folder
-Added bitshare.com folders support
-Added freakshare.com folders support
before last db update, uploaded.net premium account worked fine. now for most files it asked about password.
i have a lot of error with uploaded.net now
can’t even download.
cannot authenticate premium account and captcha fail or error all the time.
lets see you will win today’s match csk or srh
Problems also with Uploaded. But I’m not sure it comes from Mipony. Maybe Uploaded itself…
vire good brower
Come funziona sto programma?
Great. Rapidgator fixed. Thanks.
Mipony Download manager is a free, open-source download management tool that lets you quickly and efficiently download files from websites and makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more.
In the next screen of the installer you will be offered some additional free softwares. You may choose not to install them and receive the Mipony software without it
Mipony Download manager is a powerful, easy-to-use and absolutely free download accelerator and manager.
Increase your download speed and resume broken downloads, Download several files with multiple connections.
tengo los textos de informacion de l version y lo que se modifico en ingles como lo pongo en español?
please add better support for game front, files show with no name that have the website in the file name
have been trying with jdownloader, they got authentication fail with uploaded.net as well.
so, i believe the whole problem was cause by uploaded.net.
Just to tell everyone,s uplouded has a problem with their web site , the problem isnt with myponny !
hi. sir multihoster “unrestrict.li” is not working with mipony.kindly fix this bug.thanks.
Letitbit is not working only shows download error message.
J’ai un soucis avec mon compte premium UPTOBOX , il y a une erreur d’authentification.
Comment puis-je résoudre le problème?
Merci d’avance
Why I cannot choose installation folder like in older versions??
Why you are making people look like their all dumb?
I don’t want one-click install.
You cannot put your app on my PC wherever you want, without asking me.
For Mega, if there’s a folder with another folder inside it, mipony doesn’t seem to detect the links from the second folder. Would it be possible to add support for this?
i really would like to use your stuff but i can’t find your Certificates, um –
Uptobox premium support don’t work. There’s an authentification problem.
Letitbit is not working, please solve this problem
I use Mipony for 2 years, and I have no complaints. In my opinion it is the best downloader manager. I have only one question:
I use Mipony toolbar as well, where the “download with Mipony” button was a remarkable and very helpful tool. I say “was” because I can’t find it anymore!
It disappeared…just like that! Tried to uninstall and reinstall it…same problem! No “download” button! Where has it gone?
sempre achei este programa o melhor, uso desde as edições anteriores, recomendava bastante este programa aos amigos, mas nesta ultima versão o programa não tem mais funcionado muito bem com o 4shared, pois ele detecta o link automaticamente, vê a disponibilidade do arquivo, mas na hora de baixar,ele joga os arquivo na fila de download e na hora de tranferir o arquivo para o computador ele da erro,utiliso a ultima versão,ja modifiquei a velocidade para a mais baixa,ja limitei o numero de downloads para um por vez, ja tentei de outras pastas do 4shared, mas continua a mesma coisa! peço sua atenção para o problema, desde ja agradeço! obrigado!
why netload and ryushare are not working anymore? please fix this…
Netload and ryushare premium account are not working anymore please fix this for us, thanks…
Letitbit is not working since 12-15 days.
Please solve this problem.
hi, uploaded.to and rapidgator not work whit any link in zevera account.
netload no lolnger working? Please fix…
the problem your having with Letitbit isn’t a Mipony issue as i too haven’t been able to download anything using JDownloader or directly from the website.
seems they are pushing us to Skymonk install but i would advise against it as can hijack your browers and other settings
Upload.to,rapidgator not worrking.Please update.
Icould not start this
Yunfile used to work through Mipony before the update, but not anymore. The site says 2.0.5 updated yunfile but problem still exists, any resolution? Thanks.
Hi, I wanted to ask if it was possible to add in Mipony recognition for the site http://www.mega-debrid.eu, known as accelerator multi hosting premium account, so downloading without any problems. Thanks for the support, I await your response
very good
guys if you cannot install new version go in internet explorer – tools and uncheck option ” work offline” and try again to install Mipony. That work for me
sorry if my english is bad
I updated my mipony to new version. You wrote “Added download support for egofiles.com” but where is it? In Premium option i don’t see egofiles plugin for using premium login:password. Answer please.
please update !!!!!
PLEASE fix 180upload.com! It has been broken since 2.04. Every link shows “Captcha error”
Can you add support for “Sharebeast” please?
problem with ddlstorage premium, dont work………
http://www.ddlstorage.com/ don’t work.
Change sometimes?
Support please for fileom.com
ddlstorage.com changed two days ago, and now mypony is not able to download
ddlstorage doesn’t work after its update, please fix! :/
Can you add support for “Filestay” please?
e possibile aggiornare ddlstorage.grazie
Depositfiles Gold still doesn’t work…
ddlstorage non funziona!!!!!
potete risolvere? grazie
Please can you fix DDLStorage ,about a couple a days after update, Mipony dosent download it,even if i’m a premium user-per favore potete sistemare DDLStorage ,da qualche giorno dopo l’ultimo aggiornamento dello stesso,MiPony non riesce piu a scaricare storage neanche essendo un utente Premium…Grazie attendiamo Risposte a breve.Thanks Waiting an answer soon
For ddlstorege i have see a different icona. One in options\premium and another in list download.
Jdowloader work with ddlstorage.
Please update support for ddlstorage!
please fix ddlstorage! i trust in mypony and i will never change for jdownloader!
please update ddlstorage, i trust in mypony but now i’m using jdownloader ’cause they already support ddlstorage!
premium authentication error for tusfiles.net
please fix ………….
please Add download support for upstore.net
Thanks for your awesome work,
I have some premium authentication error with Uptobox, if you can check this ?
Upstore shows wrong captcha