has created a Mipony plugin for decoding captchas automatically in exchange for credits. It installs on your computer and is activated in the options window / plugins Mipony.
It is a good alternative to Captcha Brotherhood (if you have installed the two, you have to disable one of the two in the options window).
I thought this is free… No, thanks.
Peccato si possono solo comprare i crediti e non accumularli gratuitamente come il caro captchatreader 🙁 cmq il plugins e eccellente e funziona perfettamente . Si ricarica tramite carta di credito 🙂
It looks like the service is free. You solve captchas to earn credits that you can then use to have captchas solved for you just like Captcha Trader worked. But, also like captcha Trader, you can pay a small amount of money to buy a bunch of credits instead. This option is particularly important for blind people like me who can’t see the captcha images, and thus can’t earn credits by solving captchas. I bought credits from Captcha Trader and used them to have captchas solved for me since I can’t see them, and it worked great. If Imagetyperz catches on, it could be a good option for me since Captcha Brotherhood doesn’t allow people to buy credits.
Awesome! Just bought credits and sedt up the plugin. It works nicely. Now I can use Mipony again because I couldn’t solve my own captchas due to being blind.
Nothing but buncha useless atempts to do what … ??? When do someone learn ??? If i solve one captcha i get one solved automaticaly otherwise it’s useless and i don’t agree with such sort of policy !!! Only few people benefit from it other simply solve and support priviledged ones !!! When do we get premium cookies plugins ???? Then capthhas are pointless ! And those who invent captchas adfly and similar should be shotted and their computer confiscated for good !!! More and more peoples force premium on their postings so capthas are becoming wery useseles too !!! People either solving this nasty problem or get on torrent network – but then turbo capinsky capitalism attempt wouldn’t be made on other users back ???
can anyone tell me what happened to
Ho acquistato due unità ($ 19.98) ma non ne prende uno nemmeno a sparargli.
Ineccepibbile il servizio tecnico di supporto, veloce e risolutivo. A conti fatti meglio CBH captcha solver
You sure about that, MGD4Ever? I don’t see anything anywhere about doing Captchas for credits.
Nope, I am not sure about that. I suppose I just assumed. still, if you have a working pair of eyes, then you can solve your own captchas. I don’t have a working pair of eyes, so the $9.90 I spent for Imagetyperz is well worth the money to me.
im looking for free service with great speed. i’d rather buy premium account just for the sake of getting rid captchas,speed is absolutely fast..which i wont, theres a lot of alternatives without wasting money on this
ma cptcha brhoter solved non me lo rileva mypony dove e che sbaglio ? 🙂
hi.the premium support for multihoster “zevera” most of the time not hangs.
ma come si scaricano i plugin
Please help since updating to V2 from v1.6, Hotfile don’t download, says error. Others O.K Rapid etc. Hotfile server O.K as download via webiste = O.K. Any ideas? Thx
codepista il plugins si scarica dal sito e poi si installa tramite il file exe. poi di solito quando avvii mypony o jdonwloader se vai nella schermata opzioni trovi plugins e te lo rileva da li ….pero poi devi essere regiastrato al sito dei captcha se non non puoi caricare i crediti
make it work with please!! and ryushare links don’t work with the realdebrid plugin. They keep popping up the captcha. is a cool download server. Support please?
Every user solves captcha – that is a fact !!! All services with captcha solution sucks and dont work for majoroty of us – that the fact also !!! I rather solve captchas for my self as beibg used and in return getting nothing for solving capthas for others !!! We need automated captcha solver with automated credit sytem if you like as similar principles in emule ! If i solve one captcha i get one for next file that i download automaticaly ! If i solve 10 captchas i get 10 in return ! And that without user registration exploiting others and so on !!! Until that solution appears i rather stick for my self solving captha’s !!!! And filehosters sucks more and more non stop errors and premiums !!! I doubt that majority of users will stick to it !!! Users must understand that filehosting services are turbocapitalistic attempt of minority privilidged users over majority of us making money on something that dont belongs to them !!! It would be far more better if sticking to torrent system !!! No captchas and far more better speeds if sources are available and with latest magnet links and secure clients far more secure and invisible as filehosters ! Filehosters by default dont care for secure connection and for their backcover they log traffic in case of trouble with authorities they have something to agoshiete and then police knocks on your doors like happend before !!! So think twice using filehosters !!!
Nothing changes ! The same story again and again ! I will try IDM as notorious pathologic non cookie solution for mipony !!!