We released a Web Sites Database updated for Mipony.
Mipony will update itself when it starts, you have to do nothing.
-Added download support for yousendit.com
-Updated filepost premium
-Added multisegment download for filepost premium
-Added premium download for ifile.it
-Added download support for bayfiles.com
-Added download support for shragle.com
-Updated depositfiles.com
-Updated myupload.dk
-Updated uloz.to
-Added download support for uptobox.com
-Added download support for 6lqh.com
-Added download support for share4web.com
-Added download support for filedropper.com
-Added download support for refile.net
-Added download support for slingfile.com
-Added download support for filesavr.com
-Updated rayfile.com
-Updated gamefront.com
-Added download support for fileserving.com
-Added download support for filevelocity.com
-Updated 2shared.com
-Updated mais.me
-Updated banashare.com
-Updated myupload.dk
-Updated 1fichier.com
-Updated cramit.in
-Updated speedyshare.com
-Updated mediafire file names
-Added download support for filebox.com
-Added download support for fooget.com
-Added download support for 1hostclick.com
gostaria de saber porque o aplicativo mipony não mostra resultados em sua busca toda procura e a resposta é a mesma (nenhum resultado encontrado)
Thanks for a great program and for regularly updating it! I noticed tho, on this recent release, that the option to report ‘bugs’ is not available under the “help” button – any reason why? The reason I ask is, since updating to the latest version, 4 shared links are not getting detected, and I was going to submit a bug report.
Gentlemen thank you for the update specially to me for updating filepost and depositfiles, I am still patiently waiting for your addition of
http://extabit.com and
I had to go with these when SOPA took down Filesonic and megaupload and few others.
Thank you again for your elegant program
HI…cramit.in not working on database 62 which is latest…when i download from cramit.in using mipony it says enter captcha when i enter captcha it says download error…plz resolve the problem
anoying captcha (on many) for example http://www.fileserve.com thrugh mipony i write RIGHT symbols but again and again not DL, but use
soundcaptcha good, plz add button “hear sound” to “Captcha Dialog”
Great downloader but please also add http://extabit.com and
Kamal k
I use mipony most everyday, very good program. What would make it better would be to be able to adjust font size. For us older people sometimes we need a little help with what we’re viewing. All in all nice program. Be Well…
hi… i’m happy with new database update.
but in this updates mediafire can’t work with multisegment,
please make mediafire can work with multisegment again.
multisegment download is not working for mediafire in DB update 62. please fix it.
hi nice program,i am using the latest version of mipony
and the database 62 in this mediafire is not downloading in multisegments
please fix this bug as soon as possible because i am downloading most of my files in mediafire only thanks in advance
Use the OS Windows Seven x64 professional realize that to download files from FILESERVE only by the browser. But recognizes that appears is off …
Please add Shragle to the Premium accounts
add ntlm authentication please
PEASE Premium support http://extabit.com and
Thank you.
cannot download with multisegment on mediafire
i have to reinstall to work and download mediafire with multisegment
i hope it will fix soon
also without multisegment on mediafire my download speed not go above 50kb/s but idm it will go above 50kb/s
please fix another problem
but with segmented download it is fix but newest database update is caused problem and cannot download with segments need to reinstall
pleaes fix this
please add a option to choose DataBase. we all want database update 61 which came with mipony 1.6.0 bundled. please add multisegment download for mediafire again in next DB update. i am getting very poor speed from my very good internet connection line only for that
unable to download from TurboBit as the captcha window is not showing the 2nd word (think they may have changed from random leters to 2 separate words)
heres a screen pic:-
Please add rapidgator.net and mirrorcreator.com support D:
Greetings. I absolutely love Mipony. Here is a suggestion if possible. I am blind so cannot enter captchas. Because of this, I use your excellent captcha trader plugin. The problem is that, if a captcha isn’t properly solved on the first try, Mipony will put a captcha window up on the screen, and not do anything else until the user does something. Since I can’t see, I usually just click okay which then makes the download fail, and Mipony tries again and the captcha is usually solved. It would be nice to have an option in the program that if a captcha window is displayed for more than a certain amount of time with no input from the user, Mipony automatically dismisses the window and tries again. this is just a suggestion of course. thank you, and please keep up the excellent work.
nice update guys!
Thanks for a great program and for regularly updating it! I noticed tho, on this recent release, that the option to report ‘bugs’ is not available under the “help” button – any reason why? The reason I ask is, since updating to the latest version, 4 shared links are not getting detected, and I was going to submit a bug report.
There does seem to be a problem with Fileserve. Files that Mipony says are unavailable are actually available if you go to Fileserve’s web site.
Hi, I hope I will not look like demanding, but could you please add support to rtmp protocol? I’m trying to download a flash embebed in http(normal page), but rolling the mouse over the presentation, the bottom of my browser displays a rtmp address. I’d like mipony would be able to download it.
Well, I don’t know if I was clear enough. If you want, please access https://www.pimsleurapproach.com/presentation044.asp?sid=99000bnr&uid=msn1224
That’s the flash presentation I’m talking about.
gigasize doesn’t works.
Thanks very much for updates and support for refile.net.
Please add support for http://fileor.com
Thank You.
support premium download unibytes?and can add support for the download speed? I can not put my credential x faster download
error: Not enough storage is available to process this command
Please help, mipony doesn’t recognize my rapidshare account. It tell “Free.Get premium”. I am 200% sure of my user and password. I’ve tried everything it doesn’t work. Thanks for your help
Filemade support would be great:
PEASE, another vote for premium support http://extabit.com
Ta na hora de colocar o suporte para o MEGASHARE!
VERY nice program ….. Thanks for this.
A suggestion:
Can you extend Auto-Extract RAR files after download with 7z (7-zip) and ZIP?
Both are rather common (and it’s easy not to remember all these “over and over” repeated passwords).
Maybe these guys can help you or agree to share there code:
http://code.google.com/p/extract-it-all/ (= freeware)
They handle:
Supported achive formats
* 7-Zip ( *.7z )
* Rar ( *.rar | *.r00, *.r01, … | *.part1.rar , *.part01.rar , … )
* Zip ( *.zip )
They use this license type for the software code:
Code license: GNU GPL v3
If you ask them there probably willing to share this code with you, so you can integrate it in your Options > advanced settings Tab …
In stead of RAR alone it than can handle .RAR, .7z and .ZIP covering the mass of common used archives.
Kind regards
Just info for others if useful:
Also this one is freeware handling more archive types then needed, but can be handy if needed.
They handle following archive types (but don’t release there source code):
zip (+jar,xpi), bzip2 (+bz2,tbz2,tbz), rar, arj, z, lzh (+lha), 7z, cab, nsis, lzma, lzma86, xz (+txz), ppmd, udf, xar, mub, hfs, dmg, compound (+msi,doc,xls,ppt), wim (+swm), iso, chm (+chm,chi,chq,chw,hxs,hxi,hxr,hxq,hxw,lit), split (+001), rpm, deb, cpio, tar, gzip (+gz,gzip,tgz,tpz), mslz, flv, swf, ntfs (+ntfs,img), fat (+fat,img), mbr, vhd, pe, elf, apm, macho, ace, sit
Cannot download from Filekeen/filerio.com
“Captcha error”. It seems they’ve put other image captcha by reCAPTCHA.
Please fix this. Thank You.
filerio.com doesn’t work (from today)
freefr doesnt work
bayfiles always fails too
bayfiles worked for me just about now
letitbit continues to ask for captcha forever
turbobit doesn’t work
filerio doesn’t start
Shragle still does not show as a premium option on DB62 update.
Can it be added ?
can you fix u.115 please?
the speed is very slow like 10kb/s. it is much faster (100kb/s) when u download directly from the website.
what is wrong with http://www.filesonic.com …. not download any thing
i write the captcha but nothing
Support for rapidgator.net would be great!
Oron Premium is not resuming incomplete downoads.
I like this program a lot but I believe they are dropping the ball…lots of new players out there for downloads and the old players are closing shop
I would like to see premium access added for
that would be great
Add Sharerun.com.
Oron premium support is broken
Delete in queue wiped out a lot of my downloaded files, this has to change, very poor usability design.
Some netload file names are too long for Mipony and it chops off the end of the file name. This forces me to rename the file before I can download. This is very frustrating.
I am also occasionally getting links reported as dead for netload, that are actually alive.
Fileserve files are available again, but mipony reports all fileserve links as dead, even though they are still alive.
Please bring back the report feature.
Please add support for http://www.migafile.com
Add support for Heftyfile.
VERY BIG PROBLEME WITH SOME HTTP LINKS!When you stop them and lauch the file again their size become 0
Some servers don’t support to resume download, whenever it’s possible Mipony resume the download.
Thank you so much, please add support for http://fileband.com
Got another one: http://www.cloudcache.cc/
are uploading error on everyone ??
even when using premium it seem not working for me…
is it just me or happen to every one ??
i mean uploading.com
rapidshare keeps failing. starts downloading then hangs?
I think it’s because rapidshare has scaled back the bandwidth for free users, the pauses may be a shoddy way for them to restrict speed
Mipony doesn’t work properly for uloz.to. It can’t detect links.
Letitbit & extrabit is not working couple of days, Please solve this problem.
Rapidshare is becoming allmost useless
hanging, failing, errors, very very slow
please we need update soon
0 kb download. after numerous attemps it says something like “cannot detect tranport connection” please fix or tell me how. other than that… thankyou:-)
as above ul.to does not properly detect filenames, it always become
Please add Megashare.com PREMIUM. Ty!
Fileserve won’t connect sometimes. It will say connecting after you solve the captcha and wait 20 seconds but nothing will happen, so you have to stop it and retry and then there’s a 10 minute countdown.
hahaha…i dont what to say…
but…the problem u cannot detect link or link dead bcoz of file in task manager…
u can endtask this file…
protocolhost user/system
i hope this usefully help every one…
please add support for “extabit”, thanks.
Please add support for http://ddlanime.com
Thank You.
problem download with rapidshare try to solve pls
rapidshare is OVER slow!!!! All rapidshare files go at 75 kb/s for 3 or 4 seconds, then the speed fall to 0 kb/s for 10 seconds, and again, 75-0-75-0-75-0… Why? Could someone fix this problem?
to mipony team
please add support for mediahide.com
it another hosting site which support resume even for free user like mediafire and megaupload (RIP)
What happens with rapishare?
I can’t download anymore with rapishare! Fix them!
download is not working for mediafire. please fix it.
Please, it would be so great if you add premium download for bayfiles.com
thank you.
letitbit.net cannot download
it seems just repeat the chapta again and again
Esto de los captcha es una mierda no me va nada de nada lo voy a quitar
can not resume rapidshare please fix it
The problem with rapidshare is not mipony’s fault. Recently rapidshare decided that free users cannot resume downloads anymore and capped their average download speed to 30 kb/s. Thank you rapidshit.
letitbit & extabit is not working from 5-6 days . Please solve this problem
extabit not working brother.pleasle fix this.
also do mipony support downloading from real-debrid ?.
sorry i wanted to say fast-debrid.
letitbit.net is not working
Hey guys, my internet speed has dropped to a pathetic 10kb/s and does so only when Mipony is open? Mipony closed, things go back to normal..
hey…anyone know where mipony save the download list ??
after a unpredictable restart, all my download list is gone…
damn…where mipony save it???
Congratulations for your work! Please upgrade you server support http://4us.to/ Thanks
Problem with extabit. Can you do something about it please?
This is the best downloader!
Could you add rapidgator.net, please?
Thank you so much!
turbobit.net always fails…
what’s wrong with Letitbit, download from letitbit is only show the captcha but nothing download, only the download error message shown.
Mipony stores its settings here:- C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Mipony
but be aware that if MiPony does not automatically load the linklist file, chances are its corrupted. Best option is to backup up your downloads list from time to time as can corrupt at anytime
Can’t download from letitbit.net. Please solve this problem
Please add packupload.com
PLEASE………support extabit premium…………thank you ..You are the best….
Amazing… amazing… amazing…. Keep up the work.
Aqui pra mim não quer mais funcionar com o Uploading.com
Hi Staff,
Please Fix Jumbofiles.com. When try to download I’m getting Download Error. Download via browser works fro Jumbofiles.
Also are there any proper ways to report errors or plugin problems for MiPony ?
Thanks and Regards
The latest version 1.6.1 no longer support adf.ly link redirector. Could you please fix this?
Thank you.
Falta um servidor ai o http://fiberupload.com
Lack of a server http://fiberupload.com
La falta de un servidor http://fiberupload.com
Hi, Mipony doesn’t seem to support rapidgator premium.
It’s showing not unsupported in my 1.6.2 version
Not work for BayFiles Premium so usefulness for me.
Mipony do not start any more, i get this message: “”This aplication was unable to start correctly (oxcooooo7b). Click ok to close the application. Please Help!
Fantastic soft, good work. The only 2 thing more I’d like to have are automatic renumber files when found file with the same name in folder and filtering (links and filenames).
I type in the captcha’s correctly, but goes back to “waiting” for around 9 minutes after which I have to type the captcha in again…(this is a never ending cycle). this happened on files from oron and turbobit