Web Sites Database DB60 updated for Mipony

We released a Web Sites Database updated for Mipony.
Mipony will update itself when it starts, you have to do nothing.

-Updated mediafire.com
-Updated uloz.to
-Added flashmirrors.com links support.
-Added download support for 10upload.com
-Added relink.us links support.

44 thoughts on “Web Sites Database DB60 updated for Mipony”

  1. Hay un problema con la administracion remota, si por ejemplo descargo un archivo de un nuevo servidor desde otro pc, no me deja por que tengo que aceptar las tos en este…

  2. once again mediafire links are downloadable in mipony, thanks a lot guys for that. But megaupload gets only 10 kbps max speed. please update or slove this problem ASAP.

  3. Hello

    Downloading from Filesonic with Premium acc doesnt download at my full d/l speed not even at half of it! im guessing there is only 1 connection any reason or way to change it?


  4. @ mipony lover : i dont know why i am getting this kind of shitty speed from megaupload. i have tried different pc with different os.i think my country has something to do with that.i even complained to my service provider.

  5. hi
    i have this problem with mipony, can you help me?

    in System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(Guid& clsid, Object punkOuter, Int32 context, Guid& iid)
    in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserBase.TransitionFromPassiveToLoaded()
    in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserBase.TransitionUpTo(AXState state)
    in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.get_AxIWebBrowser2()
    in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.set_ScriptErrorsSuppressed(Boolean value)
    in #=qYH4MEXHdM7504DIiXyOKau3qGURV2NLYcex0yjDxQTDiAobumtaOUM0E_ZYjY2i6..ctor()
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    in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

  6. Mediafire links do not work in Mipony for me. It gives a 5 second timer that just repeats multiple times before finally ending in “download error”. The files download fine from the mediafire site but not through Mipony. Mediafire is the only one giving me this problem.

  7. @chinmoy32: maybe that, do u try download your link via idm or browser?
    @Jay: try to clear your cache and cookie, hope it works again.

  8. If i open the same dlc with jdownloader, all in online, i save all the encripted links, and i get again with mypony, than all links from than dlc are working.

  9. Hello and congratulations for the great job you are doing. I have one request: Would you be kind to put an “insert stopped” button next to “download selected”. Sometimes I prefer to download a link a later time and I would like to prevent automatic downloading.

  10. Nothing can be downloaded from Oron at the moment. This has been going on for at least a month. Even going direct to the Oron page link does not work. It just seems to give random times when trying to download as a free user. Any ideas?

  11. I have (it seems) a bug in my version. The site’s icon for 2shared and narod.ru in the download list disappear from one day to other when i resumed the task. The first time it shows without problem the icon but then when i open the aplication another time it not visualize the icon. The Megaupload icon however not have trouble and always draw the circular M (graphic for Megaupload). All this is happening without affect the download that it’s superb. Anyway a smaller bug it seems. Thanks in advance.

  12. Programa nota 100000000000.
    Não estou conseguindo baixar nada no megaupload, ele reconhece o link mas na hora de baixar, aparece direto a mensagem erro download. Alguem tambem teve esse problema?


  13. Fala “vcv”, finalmente algum companheiro brasileiro deixando a marca aqui.
    Então, colega. É o seguinte: eu baixo normalmente os arquivos no megaupload, desde que estejam acima dos 100Mb, caso contrárioo, aparece a mensagem de erro. Mas dá uma checada novamente e veja se o link continua disponível.

    Você é de ondê?

    Abrass, man.

  14. Problem with download from http://letitbit.net after capatch, (write code from image) and get ” download erorr ” ? ? ? Several times i was tried to download without success. Every time gets this error – ” download erorr “.

    Thanks in advance.

  15. admin uploadking.com and uploadhere.com not working if possible fix.
    ai jackson eu tambem sou brasileiro é q eu escrevo em ingles porque nao tenho certeza daonde o administrador do mipony é blz.

  16. not implemented helpful options:

    1) start downloads when mipony is started OPTION

    2) creation of description files with copy&paste-dump thru rightclick-dialogbox OPTION

    3) reconnect option (when download/s finished > start > file (bat/cmd/exe) OPTION

    4) specify extraction folder thru rightclick-dialogbox OPTION

    5) background wallpapers or gradients like on trillian or editable skins/colors OPTION

    greets 😉


  17. I m still getting captcha request even with using Filesonic premium account.
    Please help.
    I think captcha management should be improved so that it will not stop the rest of the quene from processing. Generally when captcha happens, the quene will stop processing.
    Can I request that when captcha happens, it should be reque to the bottom and allow downloading to continue so that that the downloading can still function, if not this downloading fails.

  18. I’am filesonic sign premium but when i download many things showme many times captcha. How is solution to stop showme forever this captcha!
    Thank you!

  19. Megaupload and Rapidshare not work today :(…i can download via web browser.
    Plz fix this issue.
    Thanks with best regard.

  20. Please resolve problem of CAPTCHA still display with Filesonic Premium Account.
    I cant use Filesonic.
    It stops the downloading.
    Please donot allow captcha to stop the downloading quene. IT defeats the purpose of using the downloader.
    I guess I have to go back to Internet Download Manager

  21. mipony..
    do you have something to say..? cuz I use Mipony for downloading from Megaupload.. and now it’s shut down..
    if this is only the beginning, then could it be another file sharing media will be shut down next..?
    this is bad.. 🙁

  22. i still cant download from filepoast as a payed member can you fix this or can i downloas the last verson of mipony whear it worked fine

  23. Ive got a Problem since 1 or 2 weeks i cant Download from RapidShare. I get max of 10 kb/s or 0 download rate. Could you fix that pls?

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